Hope of the Macro in the Reality of the Micro


I eat the same thing, at the same time, every single day. This serves two purposes:

  1. It clears my mind of unnecessary decision making: I know that sounds ridiculous, but honestly, it is helpful. I love food & I love to cook, and I used to spend an impressive amount of time daily deciding what I would make for each meal, grocery shopping for each meal (I still grocery shop like I am still living in San Francisco — aka, only buy what you are willing to carry up a hill with a 30% grade), preparing & cooking each meal, and then the dreaded cleanup. Though I have a healthy relationship with food, I would estimate that my mind was focused on food-related decision making on an average of 1.5–2 hours a day. That’s a solid amount of time spent not focusing on how to make Kreativ Collective (my business) successful.

  2. It helps me stay consistent by optimizing my emotional & mental efficiency: Life is ever-changing. We can have a Vision for our 10-year plan and reverse-engineer that until oblivion, but everything can change in a moment. I have lived long enough to know that anything can happen in my day to disrupt my schedule and clog up my emotional and mental resources. The more things I can intentionally put on emotional & mental auto-pilot (key word here being “intentionally” — don’t get me started on the risks of the unintentional emotional autopilot settings of humans), the more efficient I will be when the proverbial shit hits the fan.

So, you may be asking yourself, “Why have I spent the last minute of my life reading about how & when this girl eats?” Well, I share this because I want to remind you today that the little things matter in life.

Our consistency in the micro creates our future reality of the macro. It is our job to find the beauty in the balancing act of the tension that exists within the space between our Dreams and our Habits, our Ideals and our Behavior, our unseen Vision and what we see directly in front of us.

We are hitting on the idea of longevity. Our longevity is determined by our ability to sustain a healthy Relationship — aka RELAY — with Life. A Relay requires proper nutrition, physical training, mental focus, & rest. These are actions (mirco) prompted by decisions that will benefit the goal of winning (macro).

Our patterns create our reality. Our choices determine our destiny. Our ability to maintain focus in the micro of daily life directly relates to the reality we will see in the macro of our lives.

- Jennifer


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